KCIC Porcelain & Glass Christian Christmas Ornaments
God Has Visited Us!"Blessed
be the Lord God...For He has looked upon us and visited us - bringing
the gift of redemption, salvation and deliverance."As the Bible account unfolds (St. Luke 1:57-80), the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ was preceded by the birth of the prophet John the Baptist, ..
$24.50 $29.00
Fulfilled Oval Porcelain Christmas OrnamentsPorcelain Christian Christmas Ornaments with a Bible verse in Oval, Round and Scalloped shapes: Fulfilled Porcelain Christmas OrnamentsFulfilled Porcelain Christmas Ornament Bible Verse: St. Luke 2:11"For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a S..
$24.50 $29.00
Fulfilled Oval Porcelain Christmas OrnamentsPorcelain Christian Christmas Ornaments with a Bible verse in Oval, Round and Scalloped shapes: Fulfilled Porcelain Christmas OrnamentsFulfilled Porcelain Christmas Ornament Bible Verse: St. Luke 2:11"For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a S..
$24.50 $29.00
Glass Ornament, Glamorous Glitter, Initial & Bible Verse "For unto you is born today in Bethlehem a Saviour who is Christ the Lord."Glamorous, disc glass Christmas Ornaments are 2-7/8" tall x 2-3/4" wide, filled with a colorful holiday glitter, topped off with a small decorative bow and a clear hang..
Porcelain Christian Christmas Ornaments with a Bible verse in Oval, Round and Scalloped shapes "Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call His name Emmanuel which means "God is With Us."Prophecy: Matthew 1:23 and Isaiah 7:14
$24.50 $29.00
Porcelain Christian Christmas Ornaments with a Bible verse in Oval, Round and Scalloped shapesProphecy: Matthew 1:23 and Isaiah 7:14 "Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call His name Emmanuel which means "God is With Us."..
$24.50 $29.00
Glass Ornament with Purple Glitter, Initial & Bible Verse "For unto you is born today in Bethlehem a Saviour who is Christ the Lord."Flat disc glass Christmas Ornaments is 2-7/8" tall x 2-3/4" wide filled
with a colorful glitter and topped off with a small decorative bow. On
the front: a 1" tall..
Glass Ornaments, Red Glitter, Initial & Bible Verse"For unto you is born today in Bethlehem a Saviour who is Christ the Lord."..
$16.00 $12.00
Glass Ornament with Royal Blue Glitter, Initial & Bible Verse"For unto you is born today in Bethlehem a Saviour who is Christ the Lord."Flat disc glass Christmas Ornaments is 2-7/8" tall x 2-3/4" wide filled
with a colorful glitter and topped off with a small decorative bow. On
the front: a ..
Glass Ornament. Turquoise Glitter, Initial & Bible Verse"For unto you is born today in Bethlehem a Saviour who is Christ the Lord."Flat disc glass Christmas Ornaments is 2-7/8" tall x 2-3/4" wide filled
with a colorful glitter and topped off with a small decorative bow. On
the front: an init..
$16.00 $15.00
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 (1 Pages)