Special Offers
God Has Visited Us!"Blessed
be the Lord God...For He has looked upon us and visited us - bringing
the gift of redemption, salvation and deliverance."As the Bible account unfolds (St. Luke 1:57-80), the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ was preceded by the birth of the prophet John the Baptist, ..
$24.50 $29.00
Fulfilled Oval Porcelain Christmas OrnamentsPorcelain Christian Christmas Ornaments with a Bible verse in Oval, Round and Scalloped shapes: Fulfilled Porcelain Christmas OrnamentsFulfilled Porcelain Christmas Ornament Bible Verse: St. Luke 2:11"For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a S..
$24.50 $29.00
Fulfilled Oval Porcelain Christmas OrnamentsPorcelain Christian Christmas Ornaments with a Bible verse in Oval, Round and Scalloped shapes: Fulfilled Porcelain Christmas OrnamentsFulfilled Porcelain Christmas Ornament Bible Verse: St. Luke 2:11"For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a S..
$24.50 $29.00
Text on the front:
"God looked
around His garden and found an empty place. He then looked down upon
His earth and saw your loving face. He saw your path was difficult
and closed your weary eyes. He whispered to you "Peace be Thine" and
gave you wings to fly. It broke ou..
$28.00 $30.00
Forever in Our Hearts
"It broke our hearts to lose you. But, you did not go alone.
For part of us went with youon the day God called you home.7.5 H x 7.5" W glass photo frame with an abbreviated version of the memorial poem above. A gift card, gift box and gift wrap are ..
$28.00 $30.00
Text on the front: Forever in Our Hearts
"God looked
around His garden and found an empty place. He then looked down upon
His earth and saw your loving face. He saw your path was difficult
and closed your weary eyes. He whispered to you "Peace be Thine" and
gave you wings to ..
$28.00 $30.00
Anniversary Valentines Day My Beloved Is Mine PlaqueText on the front:
"My beloved is mine
and I am his"
One of our favorites
from what is surely
the most romantic Bible verse come to life. "I am my beloved's and his desire is
me" is ..
$28.00 $30.00
New Parent
Glass Plaque
OrnamentText on the front:
"For this child I
Here is a beautiful gift to acknowledge
the birth of a new baby, the struggle of a mom and dad for whom conception was difficult or
for the parents of an adopted child. This lo..
$28.00 $30.00
Heart & Rose First Christmas, Valentine's Day PlaqueText on the front:
"But the greatest
of these is love"
Help your favorite
newlyweds to celebrate the strength of their love. This lovely, clear
glass plaque with a verse on the front affirms their ..
$28.00 $30.00
Newlywed First
Christmas OrnamentText on the front:
"Two hearts beat as
Help your favorite
newlyweds to celebrate the strength of their love. This
elegant, clear
glass plaque with a verse on the front, features mating swans, one
of only three ..
$28.00 $30.00
Porcelain Christian Christmas Ornaments with a Bible verse in Oval, Round and Scalloped shapes "Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call His name Emmanuel which means "God is With Us."Prophecy: Matthew 1:23 and Isaiah 7:14
$24.50 $29.00
Porcelain Christian Christmas Ornaments with a Bible verse in Oval, Round and Scalloped shapesProphecy: Matthew 1:23 and Isaiah 7:14 "Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call His name Emmanuel which means "God is With Us."..
$24.50 $29.00
Glass Ornaments, Red Glitter, Initial & Bible Verse"For unto you is born today in Bethlehem a Saviour who is Christ the Lord."..
$16.00 $12.00
Glass Ornament. Turquoise Glitter, Initial & Bible Verse"For unto you is born today in Bethlehem a Saviour who is Christ the Lord."Flat disc glass Christmas Ornaments is 2-7/8" tall x 2-3/4" wide filled
with a colorful glitter and topped off with a small decorative bow. On
the front: an init..
$16.00 $15.00
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 (1 Pages)